His account balance suddenly filled up to Rp762 trillion, this man became the 25th richest person in the world!

Anything can happen in this world, including those who previously had a mediocre economic status, then suddenly became one of the richest people in the world. 

Maybe you won't believe it until you hear the story of the Darren James family who suddenly became the 25th richest person in the world.

The reason is, the family's bank account suddenly filled up with 50 billion US dollars, or the equivalent of Rp726 trillion. 

In fact, the sender of the money is still mysterious or unknown until now.

James himself is just a man who works as a property agent. The 47-year-old man admitted that he was surprised when he returned home in early June 2021 yesterday.

Imagine, his wife suddenly approached him and showed their bank account balances on their cellphones. 

"Look at this, said James imitating the voice of his wife who was surprised at that time," quoted from nypost.com, Thursday (01/07/2021).

"We opened an account and found our account balance filled with 50 billion dollars," added James.

Suddenly James and his wife were very shocked, because neither of them knew why that much money could be in their account. 

They also have never been involved in business or transactions with such a nominal amount.

"The question is, who wants to send that much money into our account? We have absolutely no idea where that much money came from," said James. 

The nominal amount of money in Darren James and his wife's account is not small, it's even unreasonable.

How not, with that much savings, the family who lives in Louisiana, United States will automatically become the 25th richest person in the world. 

Although incredibly surprised, James still joked by saying that he was already part of the richest billionaires in the world.

"I was shocked when I saw the number of zeros in my account. That means, now I'm part of the one-comma group, no longer three-comma," said James with a laugh. 

James also admitted that so far he only had millions in his account, not trillions.

Not silent, James finally reported the mysterious transaction to Chase Bank to find out clearly who sent the money to his account. 

He admitted that he did not take any money from his mysterious savings account. He was well aware that the money was not his.

"I've felt a billionaire, even though only four days. I am proud even though I can not do anything with that much money," he said. 

"We knew it didn't belong to us, so we didn't do anything with the money. Because if we did, it's called theft," he explained.

It turned out that James was not alone, because at the same time, there were 150 other people across the US who had a mysterious balance like him. 

Chase Bank spokesman finally gave a statement regarding the mysterious balance in the account belonging to James. The bank has also confirmed that the problem has been resolved.

"There was a technical error more than a week ago, which affected a limited number of accounts," a Chase Bank spokesperson said in a statement. 

"The matter has been resolved and the accounts have shown accurate balances," the statement concluded.
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